AquaTWINS is a collaborative industrial research project that aims to investigate the creation of a digital twin to respond to the challenges of managing the urban water cycle in small municipalities. The project is coordinated by the CWP and the members of the consortium are Amphos 21 and ABM as developers of the solution, and Aigües de Vic, Depuradores d’Osona and Prodaisa who are involved as end users, therefore helping to define the solutions in function of their needs and challenges in water management. The project, unlike the digital twins of large water infrastructures that are usually carried out in large cities, proposes an integrated perspective of the entire cycle: upstream and downstream supply, potability, purification. AquaTWINS consists of three phases, the first of which closes this April. The objective, at the end of the three phases, is to be able to offer a solution in the market niche of small municipalities, where a lower state of digitization tends to be concentrated and where greater water consumption and losses of the network as a result of less optimization of efficiency and energy consumption. Throughout the first phase, the needs of the supply and sanitation systems in small towns have been studied and a customized solution has been designed for each end user using different technologies: Aigües de Vic and its ETAP have been digitized using BIM methodology, Depuradores d’Osona and its WWTP have been digitized using 3D visualization and PRODAISA and its drinking water supply network has been modeled using GIS. In the next phases of the project, the digital twins will be implemented including artificial intelligence systems and new data will be integrated by incorporating new sensors into the systems. The AquaTWINS project has been financed by the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo through Next Generation funds in the framework of the PRTR in the second AEI call of 2022.