CWP schedule

12:00 - 14:00
As part of the Water Innovation Day, the Catalan Water Partnership, together with the Chair of Digitalization and Water Cybersecurity at UdG, is organizing a session on cybersecurity applied to the urban water cycle. The session will begin with a networking space, followed by the presentation of the Water Cybersecurity Chair by Manel Poch, Professor...

22:00 - 14:00
On February 20, the Catalan Water Partnership will organize the Water Innovation Day, a day aimed at promoting knowledge transfer and highlighting the most outstanding technological and research innovations in the field of sustainable water use in Catalonia. This event will bring together experts, companies, research centers and other key players in the sector, with...
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Resilience 4.0 of infrastructures and crops against invasive species: the INVASOR-ES project is born
The new INVASOR-ES project will develop solutions to mitigate the impact of invasive alien species on water infrastructures. The zebra…

Resilience 4.0 of infrastructures and crops against invasive species: the INVASOR-ES project is born
The new INVASOR-ES project will develop solutions to mitigate the impact of invasive alien species on water infrastructures The zebra…

Successful attendance at the welcome breakfast for new entities joined in 2024.
On Tuesday, January 21, the welcome breakfast for new CWP members took place, a day in which the board of…
All CWP news
Conferences Corporate Days Fair Fairs Meeting Meetings Projects Webinar

The SMARTH2OTEL project has begun its last phase with the aim of validating and implementing innovative digital solutions for efficient water and energy management in tourist establishments
The SMARTH2OTEL project for the study and development of innovative digital solutions that allow efficient and sustainable management of the…

The CWP leads the AquaLoops4Med project to promote innovation in circular water management in the Mediterranean agri-food sector
Euro-Mediterranean countries are increasingly affected by climate change, with droughts and flash floods becoming more frequent and intense. At the…

Hidrotec, Liquats Vegetals and the CWP participate in the Cluster Day organized by ACCIÓ
On December 10, the Cluster Day organized by ACCIÓ was held at the La Mercè Cultural Center in Girona under…

The CWP organizes the IX Strategic Immersion event, presenting the strategic update for the sustainable water use sector
On November 27, the IX Strategic Immersion event of the Catalan Water Partnership took place. This year’s event was marked…

Jordi Cros, CWP’s president, participates in the Korea International Water Week 2024
This year the Catalan Water Partnership has participated in the Korea International Water Week, an annual event held in Deagu…

Dissemination of the final results of the Sea4Value project – extraction of minerals and metals from sea brines – at the ECOMONDO fair
After more than 4 years of research and development, the H2020 Sea4Value project comes to an end with the participation…

CWP Participates in the 2024 Edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress
From November 5th to 7th, the Smart City Expo World Congress 2024was held, where Jordi Cros, president of CWP, moderated…

The “Water, Vine, and Winery” conference is held to address the challenges of water management in the wine sector.
On Friday, October 25, the conference “Water, Vine, and Winery: from Collection to Efficiency” was held at the Ágora Center…

A delegation of CWP companies presents their solutions at the WEFTEC fair
From October 5 to 9, the WEFTEC fair was held, this year held in New Orleans. Once again, the event…

The CWP participates as a moderator in the round table “Integration of space in water management” of the NSEC 2024
On October 1 and 2 took place the New Space Economy Congress 2024 organized by the Cambra de Comerç de…

Xavier Amores, director of the cluster, participates in the round table on water and tourism at the TurisTIC Forum
The Forum TurisTIC is a conference organized by Eurecat which is a reference in terms of innovation and application of…

The CWP participates as a moderator in the round table “Integration of space in water management” of the NSEC 2024
On October 1 and 2 took place the New Space Economy Congress 2024 organized by the Cambra de Comerç de…

The final event of the European project Sea4value is held in Tenerife
The final event of the Sea4Value European project, funded by the Horizon 2020 call, was held in Tenerife last September…

The CWP attends the study trip for project managers of the Catalonia Clusters programme of ACCIÓ
From 17 to 18 September, the study trip to the city of Linz, Austria, was carried out for the Project…

Ainia is organises a day to highlight the importance of technological innovation to deal with climate change where Xavier Amores participated as a speaker
Last September 19th, Ainia held the conference “Integral management of the water cycle: VI international technical seminar” where the objective…

The CWP participates as a speaker in the Spain Smart Water Summit
Last September 18, Xavier Amores, director of the CWP, participated as a speaker in the Spain Smart Water Summit, a…

The lack of water represents a threat to the economic viability of the cultivation of woody plants such as vineyards…

7 entities associated with the CWP, beneficiaries in the awarding of the second PERTE call
Last August, MITECO (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológico y el Reto Demográfico) published the provisional resolution of the second PERTE…

The deadline for the execution of the FLUENT, VECOLI and VIWATEC projects of the IRC 2023 call ends
Last August 31, three of the projects being executed by the CWP and which are part of the Call for…

Available: The eBook on Best Practices for Groundwater Management.
The eBook on Best Practices for Groundwater Management in a Context of Water Scarcity is now available, created as part…

The AQUIFER project comes to an end, providing groundwater users with various tools and resources for efficient management
The European AQUIFER project concluded last April. This project was funded by the European INTERREG SUDOE program, led by the…

The CWP and CIAC hold an intercluster seminar on solutions for water management in the current drought context
On September 14th, with the aim of exploring synergies to address the effects of drought, the seminar “Solutions for Water…

On October 17th, a seminar titled “Digital Technologies Applied to the Water Sector and the PERTE as a Financing Opportunity”…

Participation of the CWP President in the Next Generation seminar for the presentation of the PERTE
On November 16th, the seminar “Next Generation EU: Presentation of the PERTE for Water Cycle Digitalization – Second Call” took…

Final phase of the project “Strategies for Urea recovery from wastewater: technical, economic, and environmental feasibility.”
The project “Strategies for Urea Recovery from Wastewater: Technical, Economic, and Environmental Feasibility,” funded by the ACCIÓ call for Initiatives…

The project “Artificial Intelligence Systems for the Detection and Anticipatory Management of Pollution Episodes in Wastewater Treatment Plants (DiGEC)” has concluded
El proyecto de innovación financiado por la convocatoria de Iniciativas de Refuerzo a la Competitividad (IRC) de ACCIÓ, “Sistemas de…

The Catalan Water Partnership receives final approval for 8 projects in the 2023 AEIs call
On November 29th, the Ministry of Industry and Tourism published the final resolution for this year’s call for the Program…

Water companies gather to analyze the regulatory requirements for sustainability in the sector
Xavier Amores, Director of the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP), and Núria Pous, Deputy General Manager of Anthesis Lavola, inaugurated on…

Drought and the Agri-Food Sector in Catalonia: Overview and Innovative Solutions to Enhance Sector Resilience
On January 10th, a virtual seminar titled “Water Management in Agri-Food Companies in a Drought Emergency Context” was held, organized…

Investigation of predictive models for monitoring atmospheric pollutants and minimization strategies in sanitation systems: AtmosphAIr 2.0.
This project, the second phase of the precursor project AtmosphAIr, seeks to expand knowledge about the patterns and causes of…

SatWater 2.0 paves the way for improving satellite data interpretation tools for water resource management.
Surface water bodies have always been, and especially in the current context of water scarcity, a strategic resource for ensuring…

The LIFE BIODAPH2O project inaugurates the BIODAPH tertiary treatment system installed at the wastewater treatment plant (EDAR) in the municipality of Quart (Girona, Catalonia), which will treat up to 40% of its effluent
Last Thursday, January 18th, the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP), together with the University of Girona, coordinators of the LIFE BIODAPH2O…

Cosme Water Footprint will lay the groundwork for developing a digital water footprint calculation tool for the cosmetics sector
The Cosme Water Footprint project aims to develop and validate a water footprint analysis methodology tailored to the cosmetics and…

The 2024 Internationalization Commission of the CWP: participation in international fairs, activities in the Middle East and opening to new markets
Last January 25, the first internationalization committee of the CWP of 2024 was held, with a large participation of the…

200 representatives of water management in the municipalities share good practices to deal with the drought
On January 31st, the day “Good municipal practices in the management of drought in a context of water emergency” was…

SMARTH2OTEL 2.0 faces its second phase to provide innovative and digital solutions to the challenges of water and energy management in tourist establishments
The SMARTH2OTEL project in all its three phases aims to study and develop digital and innovative solutions for the efficient…

Online presentation of the ViWaTec project in the wine sector
Last February 13, the online conference organized by the INNOVI cluster, together with the Catalan Wine Association (AVC) and the…

SurVue finalizes the success of the prospective activity and progress in the definition of the control line of wastewater in WWTPs
The SurVue project aims to acquire new knowledge for the creation of a system for detecting and monitoring scum in…

The ReWaT project will facilitate the optimal use of emerging resources, such as regenerated water, in urban environments
The ReWaT project was conceived with the idea of helping to plan the installation of regenerated water systems in urban…

Es porta a terme amb èxit el workshop d’Habilitats de comunicació per al lideratge i gestió d’equips impartit per Ferran Ramon-Cortés
On March 5, 20 people from entities associated with the CWP will participate in the workshop on communication skills for…

Xavier Amores participates in the session on water emergency of the 6th Congress of Sustainable Development
El passat 6 de març es va dur a terme el 6º Congreso de Desarrollo Sostenible organitzat per La Asociación…

Promotes adjustments in water management for tourism companies
On March 7, a hundred companies from the tourism sector will participate in the work session organized by the Costa…

Participation in the conference “Water management in a context of water emergency” organized by the Sabadell City Council
Passat March 12 is the end of the day “Water Management in a Water Emergency Context” organized by the Sabadell…

Xavier Amores participates in the conference organized by ACCIÓ i l’ACA on water management for the industry
On February 1, the government of the Generalitat of Catalonia will approve the extreme dryness status for 202 municipalities in…

The CWP participates in l’EFISport d’INDESCAT, a benchmark event in the esports sector in energy efficiency in sports facilities
The 13th of March is the end of the 11th day of the Energy Efficiency in Sports Facilities, organized by…

Participation of the CWP in a Conference aimed at the pharmaceutical sector
Aina Amengual, R+D Project Manager del CWP, va participar el passat 14 de març a una jornada organitzada per l’Associació…

The CWP participates in the II Lleida Water Forum
El passat 14 de març la Paeria, Ajuntament de Lleida, va organitzar el II Fòrum de l’Aigua per tal d’estudiar…

There is a session aimed at the hotel sector organized by the Barcelona Hotel Guild with the participation of the CWP
In the past, the CWP took part in a webinar aimed at the hotel sector organized by the Barcelona Hotel…

The scientific communication workshop organized by the CWP and taught by the Newton Mandarin is carried out
On March 19, the scientific communication workshop was held, where La Mandarina de Newton, a company of more than 15…

Intelligent incident management system with AI: SAGIC
The aim of this project is to improve the management of non-conformities in the company by using artificial intelligence technologies,…

Catalan Water Cluster, made up of companies and knowledge centers that have been operating in the sector of sustainable water use since 2008 and whose mission is to improve the global competitiveness of its members.
Plaça Marquès de Camps 9-10 2n-2a 17001 GIRONA | | Legal notice | Privacy Policy | Cookies

Catalan Water Cluster, made up of companies and knowledge centers that have been operating in the sector of sustainable water use since 2008 and whose mission is to improve the global competitiveness of its members.
Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la UdG C/Emili Grahit, 101 – Edifici H2O, 17003 GIRONA | | Legal notice | Privacy Policy | Cookies