Es porta a terme amb èxit el workshop d’Habilitats de comunicació per al lideratge i gestió d’equips impartit per Ferran Ramon-Cortés
On March 5, 20 people from entities associated with the CWP will participate in the workshop on communication skills for leadership and team management that will be taught by the communication expert, Ferran Ramon-Cortés.
Ferran Ramon-Cortés, has a degree in Business Sciences and MBA from ESADE. Founder and director of the 5 Fars Institute, dedicated to training in communication skills. Co-founder of the Institute of Communication and co-editor of models Bridge i Sikkhona. Since the start of this training activity in 2008, the 5 Fars Institute has trained more than 32,000 people through 1,900 activities totaling 10,850 hours of training. Professor of ESADE and invited professor from different universities such as the University of Barcelona, the University of Lleida or the Pompeu Fabra University among others. Author of various books on personal communication, among which “L’illa dels 5 fars” stands out.
Communication is one of the determining abilities for the leadership of people and for the management of teams. During the workshop they will explore and practice 3 basic communication acts to lead; give instructions, give feedback and have growth conversations. The session will aim to help participants carry out these 3 acts of communication in a constructive way, giving specific goals to carry out each one of them.
During the workshop, the Bridge communication model of rational styles will be worked on, with instructions that are understood and continually attentive to the different styles of people on the team. Feedback assertive, as giving feedback that followed well and that caused changes in behavior and a positive impact. In the growth conversations, such as having periodic conversations to accompany the professional growth of the people, to achieve motivation and reflection on the areas of millora, this activity is going to work on the conceptual basis of the Model 3R, reconnaissance, resources and repetition.
The workshop will be carried out in a participatory format, through exercises and dynamics, allowing participants to become aware of their various communication styles and establish strategies to improve the six competencies.