Xavier Amores, director of the cluster, participates in the round table on water and tourism at the TurisTIC Forum
The Forum TurisTIC is a conference organized by Eurecat which is a reference in terms of innovation and application of ICT in the tourism sector and which this year celebrated its 12th edition last October 3. This year the event had the theme “The superpower of tourism in the conservation of the planet” where different representatives of the tourism ecosystem such as innovation and technological development companies, public institutions, associations and specialized guilds participated in different presentations and as members of debate tables. The congress discussed opportunities, companies with disruptive solutions and the future of tourism closely linked to the climate emergency.
The director of the CWP, Xavier Amores, participated in the round table “The superpower of water: innovation at the service of this fundamental resource” shared with Xavier Martínez and Carme Bosch from Eurecat, Delphine Hatsadourian from Swifton Innoveering and Albert Serra of the Gremi d’Hotels de Barcelona. They were able to share common challenges such as having more data and studies as well as R&D and circular economy and digitization innovation. The director of the cluster emphasized that “data is key to enhancing the improvement of its (water) management, also in the tourism sector“.