VISCERA CUTTING: Innovative system for the multi-cutting process of viscera in slaughterhouses and reduction of water consumption
- The VISCERA CUTTING project is an industrial research initiative aimed at designing a prototype to automate the process of cutting the large intestine in a slaughterhouse. This is achieved through a multi-viscera cutting system that reduces water consumption during the process.
VISCERA CUTTING has designed a unique prototype on the market to automate the cutting of the large intestine in slaughterhouses through a multi-viscera cutting system, with the goal of improving process efficiency and reducing water consumption. The prototype meets product requirements and operates efficiently, being easy to clean and safe for the operator. VISCERA CUTTING has thus designed and prototyped a tool that reduces cross-contamination and enhances food safety, increases workplace safety by reducing noise and improving cutting conditions, eliminates slow manual processes, reduces human error in cutting, and decreases water consumption both in the cutting process and in subsequent cleaning.
The project involves the Catalan meat and alternative protein cluster INNOVACC, the Catalan water cluster CWP, and the companies TEMIC – Tecnología Mecánica y Eléctrica, Frigoríficos del Nordeste SA – NORFRISA, and SIGMADAF CLARIFIERS. It is co-financed by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Tourism (MINCOTUR) under the 2023 call for Innovative Business Groups (AEIs) within the framework of the Next Generation funds and the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan.
Codi del projecte AEI-010500-2023-371