The Watertalks focused on agricultural digitization and drought were held at the University of Barcelona
On April 9th, the WaterTalks event titled “Digital Agricultural Innovation to Tackle Drought” was held at the historic headquarters of the University of Barcelona. The event brought together experts from the digital, water, and agricultural sectors, featuring presentations from specialists and showcasing innovative projects developed at the intersection of these three fields.
José Luís Araus from the University of Barcelona and Adriano Camps from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia provided an overview of the potential of crop monitoring and best practices in agricultural digitization to address future climate change scenarios.
Throughout the day, several innovative agricultural digitization projects were presented, including Wheat Phenoscale by Shawn Carlisle Kefauver, I-ReWater by Xavier Vallverdú, and Acquaount by Josep Pijuan.
The event concluded with a panel discussion featuring José Luís Araus from the University of Barcelona, Antoni Enjuanes from DACC, Eugeni Molist from Regaber, and Miquel Galvarriato from Aigües del Segarra Garrigues. They discussed the challenges and needs for the successful implementation of digital technologies. The event was attended by over 40 participants.