Yesterday, May 4, 2023, the event to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the CWP took place at Espai Endesa, in Barcelona, with more than 200 attendees. The event began with the welcome of Jordi Cros, the president of the CWP, and Albert Castellanos, Secretary of the Department of Business and Competitiveness and CEO of ACCIÓ.
Then, Araceli Segarra, the first Catalan and Spanish to climb Mount Everest, gave the presentation “A mountain of changes”. He emphasized that “”There are climbing routes in the Alps that can no longer be climbed, because the glacier has descended in such a way that there is more than a 150m difference” which should lead us to reflect on the consequences every increasingly evident from climate change.
Before the break, a water tasting was carried out by Aigües de Barcelona in which the participants could put themselves to the test with a small test where they had to sort the tested waters according to the different grades of salinization.
Xavier Amores, director of the cluster, reviewed the 15 years of the Catalan Water Partnership highlighting the following figures: more than 120 projects with an impact of more than €50M for the members, 285 participants and with more than 100 different partners participated Over the years, it has collaborated with around 65 clusters around the world, most of them European. More than 250 conferences have been held with the participation of around 9,000 attendees, and in addition, the CWP has participated in 160 events in this period, either as invited speakers, round tables or presenting projects of the entity and its associates Traveled to around 30 countries as part of projects, participated in 15 international fairs and generated more than 20 opportunities through market studies.
The event was followed by a round table where the two former presidents of the cluster, Jaume Carol and Robert Mas, the current president, Jordi Cros, and one of the founders and secretary of the CWP, Miquel Rovira, participated. The panel was moderated by Joan Martí, from ACCIÓ.
Xavier Marcet, president of Lead to Change, was the second speaker at the event and presented his new book “Management humanista. The strategy is the people.”
The closure was carried out by Anna Barnadas, secretary of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya, who was introduced by Jordi Aguilera, vice-president of the CWP.
The event was sponsored by some of the companies associated with the CWP: Aqualia, Carburos Metálicos, Idaea-CSIC, Eurecat, Fluidra and Jumo