The Catalan Water Partnership holds a seminar on RD/2023

On April 17th, the seminar “New Water Sector Regulations: Advances and Challenges” took place.

The event was opened by Xavier Amores, director of the Catalan Water Partnership, who then introduced Irene Corbella, Head of the Environmental Health Service at the Public Health Agency of Catalonia. She explained the actions being taken by the health authority in relation to this law. Miquel Paraira, director of water quality and laboratory at Aigües de Barcelona, shared insights on the experience of implementing the new drinking water regulations, the challenges in the context of drought, and legislative trends at the European level.

Next, the current challenges in applying RD3/2023 were discussed, highlighting the complexity of its implementation in the context of drought, as well as new challenges such as PFAS, microplastics, materials in contact with water, or environmental concerns. These topics were presented by Ivette Garcia, water quality technician at Aigües de Mataró; Albert Villanueva, operations manager at SABEMSA; and Eva Corbella, head of the laboratory at Aigües de Manresa.

To conclude the seminar, a roundtable discussion was held, featuring all the participants of the event and moderated by Lucia Gusmaroli, European Projects Area Manager at CWP.

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