On March 31st CWP participated in the Advanced Factories in the round table “Eco manufacturing, management of scarce resources” moderated by Xavier Amores, Director of CWP, and with the participation of Ester Vilanova, Amphos 21, who presented the  AguAlearn project, Juan Antonio Baeza, UAB Chemical, Biological and Environmental Engineering presenting “Smart-Plant Support System (SP-DSS): definition of a multi-criteria decision making framework for the selection of WWTP configurations with resource recovery” and Marc Olivé from AG Solution.

Xavier Amores, in his introduction, presented some projects related to the theme of the round table, such as the HYDROLEAKS 2.0 project, which aims to optimise water management by locating sources in the distribution network using artificial intelligence. Another example is the FADICLUR project, in which 3D printing has been carried out of a set of pre-drinking hypochlorite sodium hypochlorite tanks for drinking water pipes, thus making it possible to optimise the use of raw materials. Along the same lines, the AQUAGIS project promotes synergies for the intelligent and sustainable management of water resources in the food industry. In terms of renewable energies, the AICharge project aims to develop intelligent boats for the electric recharging of boats using sensors and algorithms based on neural networks. Within the framework of the optimisation of resources through ICTs. The Hydrousa project was presented as an excellent example of innovative solutions for water management that combine ICT with traditional manufacturing techniques.

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