On 24th November the CWP together with  ZINNAE, Aragon’s water cluster, organised a webinar to present the problem of invasive species, as well as solutions and technological aids adapted to the needs of the irrigation communities.

The session was divided into four blocks. Firstly, the current situation of Invasive Alien Species in Spain was presented from the perspective of the Public Administrations. Fernando Magdaleno, Deputy Assistant Director of Water Protection and Risk Management, presented the preventive and action strategy on invasive alien species in hydrographic districts. Jesús López Tapia, Head of the National Centre for Irrigation Technology (CENTER) of this Subdirectorate General for Irrigation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food gave a presentation on the detection of the presence of the zebra mussel by means of the characterisation of the sedimentation of the sediment in irrigation channels. Elena Pérez, from the Confederació Hidrogràfica de l’Ebre, presented the current situation of zebra mussels in the Ebro basin. Finally, Verónica Gros, from the Confederació Hidrogràfica del Guadalquivir, presented the current situation of the Briozoo in the Guadalquivir basin.

In the second block, the floor was given to irrigation communities to explain the problems caused by IAS from their perspective. Francisco Delgado, from the Executive Committee of the Unió de Petits Agricultors i Ramaders (UPA)-Sevilla and Rubén Beltrán, from the Comunitat de Regantes Campés spoke.

Finally, 3 successful cases of technical solutions to tackle invasive species were presented. In this section, Lourdes Díez-Antoñanzas (DIAMA), Javier Bernad (Velaber Consulting) and Nuno Caiola, from Eurecat, presented the case of the apple snail in the Ebro Delta.

Webinar video

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