The CWP and CIAC hold an intercluster seminar on solutions for water management in the current drought context

On September 14th, with the aim of exploring synergies to address the effects of drought, the seminar “Solutions for Water Management in the Automotive Sector” took place at the Molí Empresa in Martorell. The event was organized by the Catalan Water Partnership (CWP) in collaboration with the Cluster of the Automotive Industry of Catalonia (CIAC). The goal of the seminar was to bring together various stakeholders operating at the water-automotive nexus to share technological solutions and successful case studies that have been implemented to reduce water consumption in automotive companies. The seminar also served as a platform to discuss how current water restrictions might impact the industry and how to develop a water-saving plan for industrial water use.

Josep Nadal, Cluster Manager at CIAC, opened the seminar by highlighting the importance of creating synergies between the water and automotive sectors. Following this, Xavier Amores, Director of the CWP, presented key points on water management in a context of water scarcity, emphasizing the importance of efficiency in reuse and optimization of this resource. He also highlighted the Water Saving Plan by the Catalan Water Agency.

The seminar concluded with presentations of successful case studies and technological solutions implemented to reduce water consumption in the automotive sector. Xavier Martínez from EURECAT discussed the opportunities in the automotive industry through water reuse and recirculation. Erena Estrada from REMONDIS presented management and optimization tools for water use in automotive production lines. José Antoni Barrada from ITALSAN explained the RAINPLUS system for rainwater harvesting in the automotive sector. Eduard Zaragoza from EWATTS presented an electrochemical technology for improving effluent treatment in the sector. Lluís Rosell from Derypol introduced HIMOLOC flocculants for water savings in industrial wastewater treatment plants. Finally, Montserrat Pallarès from KURITA explained the S.SENSING CS technology as a solution to reduce water consumption in wastewater treatment plants.

The seminar provided a space for generating synergies between members of both clusters, fostering future collaborations to promote projects and new initiatives.

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