Albirem is a strategic consultancy based in Barcelona, and they offer innovative solutions based on sustainability, holistically understood as a way to improve the competitiveness of organisations. The team are doctors and researchers, and combine their background in research with professional experience in planning, business consulting and social innovation.

They offer strategic consulting solutions to companies, public and non-profit sectors, including social responsibility, strategic alignment with the SDGs, governance, stakeholder management and social impact.

They also have a specific line of R+D+i services.

· On the one hand, they can be partners in projects to which they bring their expertise in ecology and environmental sciences (e.g. they have so far been partners in a LIFE proposal on Environmental Governance and Information and also monitor the ecological status of continental waters).

· On the other hand, they contribute to the PPPs by offering services and solutions complementary to the “core” of research. It is broad, but includes things that are generally more collateral to research but are increasingly necessary. It covers 6 main areas: (1) Co-development & Co-creation, (2) Fundraising, (3) Communication & Dissemination, (4) Innovation & Transfer, (5) Social & Community impact and (6) Research footprint & Sustainability.

For example, they have recently led the co-development of an international research project of ERA4CS and JPI Climate, where there were research centres (modelling tools to predict seasonal variations and extreme phenomena in the context of climate change) and water managers from 7 countries (it was important that the tools were adjusted to real needs and operations for decision making). Consult it here.

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