HYDROKEMÓS, is a technology-based company, spin off of the Chemical Institute of Sarrià, which has developed the innovative electrodenitrification technology that allows the removal of nitrates from water by conversion to nitrogen and oxygen gas, without generating any kind of solid or liquid waste. In addition, the water is chlorinated from the process.

The main field of application of this technology is the potabilisation of contaminated water from the supply of drinking water to the food industry or to public distribution networks. The technology can also be applied to industrial wastewater that is highly contaminated with nitrates. The process is fully competitive with reverse osmosis, electrodialysis and ion exchange resins, with the advantage that it does not generate any type of brine.

HYDROKEMÓS has been subsidised by the European Commission within the H2020 SME phase II programme for the construction, monitoring and validation of the electrodesnitrification technology in four industrial demonstration plants in various fields of application.


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