
The CWP celebrates the annual Assembly with the current group of 162 associated entities

On June 27, the CWP concluded the 16th Ordinary General Assembly marked by the increase of entities associated with the cluster in the future, 41 members more than the previous data, and for the preparation of the new Strategic Plan 2025-2028. At the event, which was held in the Aula Magna of the UVic-UCC, the assistant director of the BETA Technological Center, Laia Llenas, donated the welcome, followed by the intervention of Jordi Cros, the president of the CWP.

Xavier Amores, the director of the cluster, made a presentation of the CWP indicators, the activities carried out by the entity in the last year, the 162 entities associated to date, and the approval of the 6 European projects. Emphasis was placed on the intersectoral conferences where the cluster has participated by giving presentations related to the drought and which counting the previous year and the course of this add up to a total of more than 130 with more than 7,600 attendees, the presentation of success stories in water management in different sectors and the exhibition of innovative and digital technologies of the associated entities. Also highlighted are the projects from the last AEI and IRC calls, coordinated from the CWP, which have already ended or will do so shortly and which, together with other calls, involve the coordination and/or participation in 30 projects in 2024. internationalization has also played an important role highlighting the presence of the entity and the partners that accompanied it at the OZ Water, IFAT, Singapore International Water Week or WEFTEC fairs.

Once the activities of 2023, the annual accounts and the activities planned for the future have been approved, where a brief reminder of the events that will take place in the coming months such as the Strategic Immersion, the Water Innovation Day, and also others more specific on specific topics, it was time to present the new members of the entity which were the following: Beyonwan Tech, Naclo Water, ESPA, Ecomemb, Plasson, Comunitat Mina i Aigües de la Salut, Isardsat, Aqua Resmat, Costa Brava Foods, Caperva, XD solutions, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Aigualenc, STENCO, Aigües de Vilafranca, Liquats, Airtificial, Valhidra, COPERSA, OUA-CIAE, Total Trade, Fugaqua, AQUATER, MASTER TECNIC.

The update of the Strategic Plan 2025-2028 has been organized as a dynamic within the program of the assembly, since the CWP has wanted to open participation to partners with the intention of listening to key ideas and proposals of networking activity. The activity has made it possible to make contributions, exchange ideas and relate to other members during the group dynamics. For the closing presentation, we counted on the presence of Francesc Mauri, a meteorologist from Televisió de Catalunya and an expert on climate change who captured the public’s attention with the presentation “The climate emergency and everything that the ‘surrounds’. The meteorologist emphasized that “The climatic conditions we experienced in 2023 will be the ones we will experience permanently from 2050, implying a radical change in living conditions” and also that “The current climate emergency has a part that is meteorological and a large part of which has to do with the development model”. In addition, he also emphasized that “The decrease and irregularity of the rains will make us return to water storage schemes, and to the impulse of regeneration”.

Finally, Jordi Cros, the president of the Catalan Water Partnership, concluded the day by emphasizing that “the aim of the Catalan Water Partnership is to promote the competitiveness of its members. And that is why you continue to be the most important, and it is essential that you continue to participate in the activities that bring you value”.

Before the day ended, a snack was offered, to once again give members the opportunity to have a networking space, make themselves known, and encourage collaborations between members in a day that had more than 110 attendees.

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