The COSM-EAU project is a feasibility study that aims to facilitate the launch of collaborative R&D and innovation projects that allow improving the efficiency of water use in the industry perfumery and cosmetics through the implementation of innovative digital technologies. To do this, it will be based on a diagnosis of the water processes of a representative group of cosmetic companies, in order to identify the traffic potential towards Industry 4.0 and the sustainability of the management of the cycle of the water All this will be carried out through the exchange of knowledge, experiences and new technologies between the different participants in the water sector, on the part of the CWP, and the sector of ICT technologies, on the part of GAIA, with the challenges and the demands of companies in the cosmetics sector of Feeling Innovation by Stanpa.
COSM-EAU (AEI-010600-2022b-7) ha estat cofinançat pel Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (MINCOTUR) en la segona convocatòria d’Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEIs) del 2022 en el marc dels ajuts Next Generation i el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia. riales Innovadoras (AEI)
Facilitate the launch of collaborative R&D and innovation projects that improve the efficiency of water use in the perfumery and cosmetics industry through the implementation of innovative digital technologies.
Inici | 01/08/2022 |
Final | 14/04/2023 |
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