Presentation day of the study “Success cases and recommendations for improving water management in the industrial sector in Catalonia”
Last Thursday, July 18, the conference organized by the Department of Business and Labor was held to present the study “Cases of success and recommendations for improving water management in the industrial sector in Catalonia” carried out by the Catalan Water Partnership.
This study contains a set of twenty-four representative cases at the sectoral and territorial level of industrial companies that have proactively carried out remarkable water saving and efficiency actions for years. We can find numerous cases of recirculation, of improvements in industrial processes to save water, reuse, digitization, use of rainwater or initiatives to offset the resource in the environment among many others and that configure a diverse range of actions within the framework of their strategies of sustainability.
The presentation began with a welcome by Oriol Alcoba, director general of industry of the department of business and work of the Generalitat de Catalunya who highlighted how some industries had done their homework in recent years and then Xavier Amores , director of the CWP, made the presentation of the study carried out by the entity where he highlighted some conclusions such as the advantages in cooperation to undertake large investments, as many of the cases have come to achieve large savings, surpassing in some cases the 25%, the lack of reference standards in many sectors and the difficulties implicit in the regulations to promote reuse, such as the difficulty of sharing information by some industries, for this reason he also wanted to thank the collaboration of the twenty -i-four participating companies. Some recommendations were also summarized for the industry as a whole in order to save water and be better prepared for future periods of drought.
During the day, some of the success stories included in the document presented were presented such as: Coca-Cola Europacific Partners by Marta Font, director of environment, Crevin by Ròmul Prat, manager of Vincolor (Crevin Group), Family Torres by Núria Mallén responsible for environmental management, Aitasa for Marc Fargas, CEO and Alier for Pere Alier, director of projects and investments. Before the day ended with its respective closing, a round table was held moderated by Xavier Amores, director of the CWP, and in which the same speakers of success stories participated. The companies participating in the study are: Aitasa, Alier, Celsa Group, Coca-Cola, Costa Brava Foods, Crevin, Damm, Derypol, Escorpion, Esteve, Torres, Fluidra, Gramona, Grup Viñas, HIPRA, Inke, Lakme, LC Paper, Liquats, Mecanitzats PIRVAT, MIWON, Ciments Molins, MONTIBELLO, Vilarnau.