7 entities associated with the CWP, beneficiaries in the awarding of the second PERTE call

Last August, MITECO (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológico y el Reto Demográfico) published the provisional resolution of the second PERTE call for digitalization of the water cycle, part of the Recovery plan, Transformation and Resilience financed by the European Union financed through the Next Generation funds.

The award corresponding to this call has been 300 million euros which have been allocated to improve the digitization of the urban water cycle in Spain and which make up a total of 50 projects. The beneficiaries are operators, holders of sanitation, water supply and purification that bring together local administrations, public, mixed and private companies corresponding to both large cities and small municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants. Project financing covers more than 80% of the budget and in some cases reaches 100%.

Among the beneficiaries of this second PERTE call, 7 companies associated with the CWP should be highlighted: Terrassa Cicle de l’Aigua, FCC Aqualia, Ciclagua, Agricultores de la Vega, Companyia General d’Aigües de Catalunya, Acciona and Agrupación Sociedad General of Aguas de Barcelona which together total €58M in funding for the projects they have presented. Specifically, 4 of these projects will be carried out in Catalonia and in this case add up to a total of €30M.

The digitalization PERTE, which between the first and second calls has mobilized more than €950M, will allow the promotion of projects that will favor the transition to digitalization and will allow to deal with the regulations of the sector while improving the efficiency of the cycle integral urban water.

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