15th anniversay of Catalan Water Partnership On May 4th we celebrate the 15th anniversary of CWP at Espacio Endesa (C/Roger de Flor nº 38-52) and we invite you to celebrate it with us. We will count with the presentations of Araceli Segarra and Xavier Marcet. We will hear, through a round table, the vision of…



On September 27 and 28, 2023, the 9th edition of the AI ​​& Big Data Congress organized by CIDAI and Eurecat, as part of the Intel Strategy, will be held at the AXA Auditorium in Barcelona Artificial intelligence of Catalonia: Catalonia.AI AI & Big Data Congress will show the main challenges facing artificial intelligence, trends…

Assemblea CWP

Assemblea CWP

Assemblea General del CWP 2023 Next June 30th we will celebrate the General Assembly of the CWP, where we will meet to present the activities carried out in the past 2022 and the first half of 2023, as well as plan future activities. Also, we will be able to meet the new associates from the…



Solutions for water management in the automotive sector in the current context of drought Currently, the internal reservoirs of Catalonia are at 25% of their capacity (August 21) and specifically, 2 operating units are in a state of emergency, 10 in exceptional circumstances and 3 on alert. In the current context of drought, the Generalitat…



Marketplace research and business in blue economy The conference is in marketplace format organized by ACCIÓ within the framework of the Maritime Days of the European Union. The event will have an international scope and will be held at the Barcelona Institute of Marine Sciences on September 20. The aim of this day is to…



The aim of this event is to promote networking and knowledge exchange between experts, policy makers and other stakeholders from the water sector, specifically in desalination, as well as from the Critical Raw Material (CRM) sector. To this end, we have invited several European projects that promote the revalorization of minerals & metals, which will…

CWP Assemble

CWP Assemble

On June 27, the General Assembly of the CWP will take place where the activities carried out by the Catalan Water Partnership over the last year, the new associated entities and the activities planned for the future will be reviewed.



Challenges and potential of the different digital technologies applied to the water sector We are in a period of constant evolution of technologies linked to digitization such as the internet of things, cyber security, or AI, among others. The exploration of the potentialities that the links that the water sector presents with one or more…

EADA Course

EADA Course

Don’t miss the Digitization course for managers, 100% subsidized by Next Generation funds. To help SMEs to carry out this transformation and with the aim of joining the competitive and productive environment of the Catalan digitization, EADA Business School offers a program in digital transformation that is 100% subsidized by the European Union through the…

EDAR 360º

EDAR 360º

The day organized by the CWP will start with the review of the changes, analysis of challenges and opportunities of the new directive that will modify directive 91/271/EEC on the treatment of urban waste water. Subsequently, the life cycle of a WWTP will be addressed in 4 large blocks: from construction, maintenance, exploitation and sludge…



Nature-based solutions for water management As part of the General Assembly of the CWP, the Workshop “Solutions based on nature for water management. Presentation of the final results of the HYDROUSA project” will also be held, where representatives of different companies from the consortium will participate, such as they are AERIS, ICRA and the University…



Next November 30, the VIII Strategic Immersion of the CWP will take place at the CCCB (Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona). We will talk about the drought, inspiring international experiences and talent in organizations. The event will begin with a presentation by Samuel Reyes, Director of the Catalan Water Agency, under the name “Water…

Immersion 2024

Immersion 2024

CWP’S STRATEGI IMMERSION 2024 On November 27th, the IX Strategic Immersion of the CWP will take place, where the new Strategic Update of the sustainable use of water sector will be presented every 4 years to companies in the sector and which ACCIO has made this 2024. Do you want to know the economic evolution…

Industrial WWTP

Industrial WWTP

The Industrial WWTP 360º Conference aims to address the challenges of the design, construction and operation of an industrial wastewater treatment plant, emphasizing the potential for reuse of regenerated water and the elimination of emerging pollutants.

Inter. Commission

Inter. Commission

Are you interested in expanding your company internationally? Are you interested in participating in international congresses and fairs and expanding your network of contacts around the world? Sign up for the Internationalization Commission that we are organizing next January 25. It will be a participative session where together with the companies associated with the CWP…



Solutions for water management in the meat sector in the current context of drought This is theCurrently, Catalonia’s internal basins are at 30% (June 19) of their capacity and, specifically, 11 exploitation units are in a state of exceptionality, 3 on alert and 1 on pre-alert. In the current context of drought, the Generalitat de…



Water and Packaging Conference: Solutions for water management in the sector in the current context Currently, Catalonia’s internal basins are at 30% (June 19) of their capacity and, specifically, 11 exploitation units are in a state of exceptionality, 3 on alert and 1 on pre-alert. In the current context of drought, the Generalitat de Catalunya…

Pilot Quart

Pilot Quart

On January 18, 2024, the CWP, together with the University of Girona (project coordinators), is organizing the Inauguration of the BIODAPH pilot plant at the Quart WWTP (Girona). The event will include a first technical session at the UdG Science and Technology Park where the main progress of the LIFE BIODAPH2O project will be presented…

SCEWC 2023

SCEWC 2023

Smart City Expo World Congress (Barcelona, November 7-9) is the leading international event for the smart city sector, a key meeting point for experts and leaders of the world’s most innovative cities, companies, research centers and international organizations. Over 24,000 professionals are expected from more than 800 cities and over 600 international speakers that will…

WaterTalks: waste water treatment in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry

WaterTalks: waste water treatment in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry

Are you interested in learning about the most innovative challenges and solutions in wastewater treatment in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry? Don’t miss this edition of the CWP WaterTalks in collaboration with IQS, where experts from research centers, companies and institutions will share the latest technologies and good practices in sustainable water management. Pioneering solutions…

WID 2024

WID 2024

Next February 14, the Catalan Water Partnership will hold the Water Innovation Day, a day to promote the transfer of knowledge around the most relevant technological and R&D innovations for the sustainable use of water in Catalonia. As every year, the presentation of R&D projects and innovative solutions will take place in an elevator pitch…



Day water, vineyard and wineries: water management and innovation in a context of water emergency Faced with the context of drought and the restrictions it entails at the industrial level INNOVI, the Catalan Wine Association and the Catalan Water Partnership are organizing an online day to address this problem and learn about its consequences for…