Descripció del projecte

Raising awareness on water saving and reuse legislation to promote the circular economy in the tourism sector.

The WAT’SAVEREUSE project focuses on the benefits of water legislation and national initiatives aimed at promoting the concept of circular economy in water consumption, especially in the tourism industry, focusing on both water saving and water reuse, with a special focus on the Mediterranean environment.

Within the framework of the project, with the participation of Eurecat’s Sustainability Area, awareness-raising campaigns will be carried out targeting 4 specific groups. To meet the objectives at national, regional and local level, the project will create a common framework ensuring a level playing field for companies and public authorities.

The WAT’SAVEREUSE consortium, led by the Eurorregión Mediterránea de los Pirineos (EPM)  which is a cooperative political body representing the regions of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Occitania, also involves the Agencia Catalana del Agua (ACA), the Agencia Balear del Agua y de la Calidad Ambiental (ABAQUA), the Agence de Developpement Economique d’Occitanie (AD’OCC), the Clúster Catalán del Agua (CWP),  Aquavalley Pôle de Competitivité Eau, the  Clúster de la Industria Química de las Islas Baleares (CliqIB), the  Agencia de Estrategia Turística de las  Islas Baleares (AETIB) and the Agencia Catalana de Turismo (ACT).

Logo del projecte:

Finançament del projecte:

LIFE+ 2019



Raising awareness on water saving and reuse legislation to promote the circular economy in the tourism sector. The WAT’SAVEREUSE project focuses on the benefits of water legislation and national initiatives aimed at promoting the concept of circular economy in water consumption, especially in the tourism industry, focusing on both water saving and water reuse, with…


Inici 01/01/2020
Final 30/11/2023

Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
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