Descripció del Projecte

The aim of the ViWaTec project is to promote technological solutions and other innovative strategies that allow for improved water use efficiency in the wine sector. In pursuit of this objective, 8 state diagnoses and 3 technical and economic assessments will be carried out in 11 different wineries representing the territories, with individual visits by expert companies in the water sector. The results of these tasks and the know-how and technologies of the companies will be the basis for the construction, on the one hand, of a Guide to good practices for saving water in the wine sector, which will include good practices for use, recommendations for innovative and disruptive technologies, as well as success stories from the sector and, on the other, of an online Catalogue of available technologies for saving water. This last input is key to facilitate their implementation by the wineries, since it compensates for the lack of access to new technological and supplier proposals.

Furthermore, the project aims to create Territorialized Working Groups (GTTs) to work on and disseminate the results obtained and create synergies of collaboration between both sectors and other industrial sectors (shared value). These GTTs, which will be created by each of the 3 participating DOs, aim to be the seed to become permanent elements of discussion of sustainable solutions beyond water.

ViWaTec will allow the promotion of new projects with high competitive business value and contribute to generating new business opportunities between both sectors. It will also serve as a replica (multiplier effect) for other industrial sectors that are intensive in water consumption.

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Finançament del Projecte:

Iniciatives de Reforç a la Competitivitat d’ACCIÓ 2023 (Línia Reforç Competitiu)


The aim of the ViWaTec project is to promote technological solutions and other innovative strategies that allow for improved water use efficiency in the wine sector. In pursuit of this objective, 8 state diagnoses and 3 technical and economic assessments will be carried out in 11 different wineries representing the territories, with individual visits by…


Inici: 01/01/2023 Final: 16/08/2024

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