Descripció del projecte

The final objective of the SAGIC project is to design a management tool for non-compliance or deviations from one or more requirements in a process (known as non-conformities) by industrial companies. This tool will work based on neural networks and will interpret information coded in natural language and will allow the analysis of a large amount of data and documents related to the generation of non-conformities, to identify patterns and trends. This will allow users to make more informed decisions and suggest specific corrective actions. Automation will also reduce response times and problem solving, which will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the company’s production process. The resolution of non-conformities reduces costs associated with the return of products, increased production costs, and claims. It can also avoid the loss of income derived from the decrease in sales and guarantees compliance with regulations and legal requirements at all times. This tool can be implemented in the future in companies that manufacture equipment and parts, to be marketed and used in infrastructures and for the construction and commissioning of systems and devices used by the various agents in the value chain of the sector Water.

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Finançament del projecte:

Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras 2023


The final objective of the SAGIC project is to design a management tool for non-compliance or deviations from one or more requirements in a process (known as non-conformities) by industrial companies. This tool will work based on neural networks and will interpret information coded in natural language and will allow the analysis of a large…


Inici 01/05/2023
Final 30/04/2024

Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
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