Descripció del projecte

The PORTS4ALL project is an industrial research activity that aims to offer an integral multi-technological solution with the objective of transforming grey infrastructures (such as ports) into blue infrastructures (marine oases) through the restoration of degraded and polluted areas, the recovery of lost biodiversity and finally to reinforce the fight against climate change. For this reason, the technological members of the consortium are researching in three different areas that combined allow for a comprehensive solution to address the aforementioned challenges:

  1. New technologies such as 3D printing of CaCO3, or CaCO3 generation electrolysis and sedimentation systems that form the basis of metal structures that mimic nature, creating micro-sculptures and BioWalls in 3 dimensions that allow for the construction and regeneration of new habitats and biodiversity.
  2. Autonomous and remote control system for the collection, interpolation and visualisation of marine data and the generation of heat maps of the different indicators.
  3. Advanced systems based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML-AI) for the prediction of harbour water discharges and how this can affect the water quality of the ports.
  4. Virtual sensor system for the extraction of key indicators (biodiversity growth, oxygen generation and carbon sequestration) to help monitor biodiversity.
    This project will mean an improvement in terms of sustainability in the ports with the highest concentration of pollution and environmental impact. In addition, the project will represent a step forward in economic development in the area of the Basque economy.

Logo del projecte:

Finançament del projecte:

PORTS4ALL, amb número d’expedient AEI-010500-2021b-34, està cofinançat pel Ministeri d’Indústria, Comerç i Turisme (MINCOTUR) mitjançant la segona convocatòria d’AEIs del 2021 en el marc dels ajuts Next Generation i el Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència



Environmental and marine enhancement through the combination of intelligent systems and ecosystem regeneration


Inici 01/12/2021
Final 01/08/2022

Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
Participant 5
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