Descripció del projecte

The INNOVI cluster (wine sector in Catalonia) and the CWP have carried out a cooperation project to initiate a first pilot diagnosis in a representative company of the wine sector, specifically JUVE Y CAMPS. The project has involved carrying out a complete diagnosis of the JUVE i CAMPS plant, processes and facilities in order to detect possible advanced solutions to ensure greater efficiency in water consumption, cost reduction or the identification of possible R&D projects. This diagnosis has already led to advanced cooperation solutions between the INNOVI cluster company and CWP companies, as well as the approval of a preliminary R&D study financed by the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat de Catalunya with the support of the CWP and the CTM.

In this project there is the will to continue working together between the two clusters, with the aim of:

  • Reduce water consumption
  • Reduce water treatment costs
  • Guarantee water quality

Cal destacar que el projecte ha tingut un plantejament holístic a totes les problemàtiques i oportunitats entre el sector de l’aigua i del vi:

Logo del projecte:

Finançament del projecte:



First pilot diagnosis of a representative company in the wine sector



Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
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