The CWP participates in the commercial mission in Tunisia as part of the AEWEN project
Last week the CWP was on the Tunisian trading mission, together with the rest of the AEWEN consortium. Two CWP-associated companies have participated in this mission: Bluepage and Keiken Engineering and also several European companies, from France, Belgium, Italy
This mission has served to understand the context of the country in terms of water and energy, several relevant entities in the sector have participated and water and energy research centres have been visited as well as a textile sector technology centre with great water management needs.
The country has a structural water deficit and this makes investments in water much needed. That is why it has been a very successful mission.
This was the third mission of the AEWEN project after a mission to Morocco in December 2022 and Senegal in July 2023. The fourth and final mission will take place in November 2023 in Casablanca. If you want more information about the project and/or the mission in Morocco contact merce.martin, you will also find more information on the project website;