Currently, Catalonia’s internal basins are at 30% (June 19) of their capacity and, specifically, 11 exploitation units are in a state of exceptionality, 3 on alert and 1 on pre-alert. In the current context of drought, the Generalitat de Catalunya approved and launched the drought plan. This plan establishes water restrictions for different uses, in the case of industrial uses, it is necessary to reduce water consumption by 15% in a state of alert and by 25% in a state of exceptionality. The rains of the last few days have helped, but not by a long way to recover 100% of the water reserves, so the drought is still present in Catalonia and with associated risks for any company in the coming months. The Water and Packaging Conference: Solutions for water management in the sector in the current context of drought will discuss technological solutions and success stories that have been carried out to reduce water consumption in industries of the paper and packaging sector, and it will be explained how these restrictions can affect and how to deal with a possible savings plan in the context of the current drought.
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