SmartLand wants to respond to the challenges posed by the implementation of efficient management and good governance in water basins with challenges linked to the use of water. The project aims to develop, implement and validate on the ground a comprehensive territorial water management model for the Baix Ter area. This model will be developed from time series of data from different sources, origins and formats, purified, contextualized and organized in a decision support interpretation platform that will serve to facilitate basin users to make decisions that allow sustainable exploitation of the water.
The model will consider both the different sources (surface, underground, purified and desalinated water), the uses by the different agents linked to the territory, the environmental benefits and the threats to sustainable management. The master lines of this model will allow the comprehensive management of water resources respecting their natural dynamics, maintaining the current uses of water, recovering wetlands, favoring the recharge of aquifers, avoiding diffuse pollution and improving knowledge about the operation of the basin as a whole. The implementation in the Baix Ter is a first phase of testing and validation that can later lead to the replication of this platform in other basins and similar scenarios that present similar challenges.
The project is financed by the call for aid to the Innovative Business Groups (AEI) of the MINCOTUR. It is led by the CWP and participated by the University of Girona (UdG), the Institute of Agro-Food Research and Technology (IRTA), the Eurecat technology center and the companies ABM consulting and Geoservei.
Smartland (AEI-010500-2022B-43) ha estat cofinançat pel Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo (MINCOTUR) en la segona convocatòria d’Agrupaciones Empresariales Innovadoras (AEIs) del 2022 en el marc dels ajuts Next Generation i el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia.
Design and validate a model that allows the sustainable management and governance of water uses in a river basin with water scarcity.
Inici | 01/08/2022 |
Final | 14/04/2023 |
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