Descripció del projecte

The INNOVACC cluster (Catalan pork industry) has carried out a cooperation project with the CWP with the aim of promoting the conservation and efficiency in the use of water in meat companies, guaranteeing the quality of water treatment and identifying possible joint innovation projects.

The project started with a conference at the ICRA where several CWP experts shared experiences, best practices and technologies of potential interest to the sector. Among the topics discussed were cases related to the study of the potential of the water cycle management, extension and improvement of the WWTP, optimisation of treatment and optimisation of sludge management. From this day the CWP will carry out diagnostics to 10 INNOVACC companies free of charge. A multidisciplinary team of the CWP visited the plants of companies as outstanding as ARGAL, NOEL, La Selva, Esfosa or Friselva among others and proposed measures of improvement, innovative projects and advanced solutions that in many cases have represented potential savings of more than 50. 50,000/year, intelligent systems for monitoring the water cycle or R+D projects that have received the support of the Department of Agriculture of the Generalitat or the Ministry of Industry.

The success of this initiative has led to subsequent conferences being held at the FECIC (meat industry employers’ association) and at the ICAEN on an energy and water saving project with a meat company.

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Finançament del projecte:



Promote water conservation and efficiency in the use of water in meat companies, guarantee the quality of water treatment.


Inici 01/01/2023
Final 01/06/2025

Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
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