Descripció del Projecte

The electrification of boats is a reality in northern Europe and the United States, albeit with limitations to ensure autonomy. With the aim of reducing emissions and preserving the conservation of marine ecosystems, it is expected that there will be a growing demand for electric boats. Hence the need to update the infrastructure for the delivery of these vehicles, or their installation in areas without harbours such as anchorages.

For this reason, the AICharge project has developed a solution for the recharging of electric boats to be installed on anchorages. This solution aims to act as an autonomy extender for the boats as well as offering an eco-sustainable alternative, especially in areas that require more protection. In this sense, AIcharge integrates Artificial Intelligence and distributed registry (Blockchain) technologies to maximise the electric recharging of boats using sustainable energy sources, in order to reduce and eliminate the current dependence on fossil fuels and thus contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

AIcharge is the result of a collaboration in the water-energy nexus and in the field of the Green Economy, to tackle the decarbonisation of ships through the use of renewable energies and the protection of the marine environment.

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Finançament del Projecte:

AIcharge, amb número d’expedient AEI-010500-2021b-88, està cofinançat pel Ministeri d’Indústria, Comerç i Turisme (MINCOTUR) mitjançant la segona convocatòria d’AEIs del 2021 en el marc dels ajuts Next Generation i el Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència.



Reducing emissions and preserving the conservation of marine ecosystems


Inici: Final:

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