
  • Last July 3, companies associated with the CWP met as part of the Working Group of water end-user companies to find synergies and discuss upcoming activities

The CWP incorporates among its associated companies entities that make intensive use of water, and that have the objective of improving the management they do of the resource and work on sustainability.

Some of these companies met last July 3 in the first meeting of the Working Group of water user companies of the CWP. The CWP Working Groups are one of the activities organized by the cluster in order to consolidate specific collaboration spaces between the various agents of the cluster around the same topic, in this case the use of water. Other working groups of the cluster are underground water, digital transformation, reuse, or internationalization.

The meeting took place at the facilities of Aitasa, which hosted the day, and included a technical visit to the water regeneration station and the joint treatment plant that this company has in Vila-Seca, Tarragona . After the visit, the working group session took place in which the different companies were able to share challenges and future work proposals. The day had the participation of the companies BonÀrea, Celsa Group, Costa Brava Foods and Liquats.

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