Descripció del projecte

The project focuses on developing an innovative platform to minimize discharges into the natural environment by monitoring overflow points in the sanitation network. Using experimental data and artificial intelligence techniques, it will enable the prediction of discharges with sufficient advance notice to activate preventive mechanisms and detect uncontrolled discharges, providing insights into their origin. The main outcome will be software capable of optimizing the real-time management of discharge points in the sanitation network in the city of Puerto Real and, by extension, for other public and private operators.

In previous phases, predictive maintenance systems were implemented for other types of systems: Phase 1 addressed photovoltaic plants, completed under the AEI 2021b Call; and Phase 2 focused on monitoring water supply networks, completed under the AEI 2022b Call. This project aligns with national and European strategies, such as the Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan and the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy. Its objectives include optimizing the maintenance of critical infrastructures, maximizing their sustainability, and developing intelligent predictive systems for efficient, real-time management.

The iPredice Phase III project has been funded under the Digital Technologies Projects line of the 2024 Call for Grants for Innovative Business Groups (AEI), promoted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Government of Spain.

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Finançament del projecte:



The project focuses on developing an innovative platform to minimize discharges into the natural environment by monitoring overflow points in the sanitation network. Using experimental data and artificial intelligence techniques, it will enable the prediction of discharges with sufficient advance notice to activate preventive mechanisms and detect uncontrolled discharges, providing insights into their origin. The…


Inici 27/07/2024
Final 05/07/2025

Coordinador del projecte:

Participants del projecte:

Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Participant 4
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